
Are there restrictions on what domain names I can register?

There are restrictions for the domain name registration and the purpose of use of the domain.


The following are some rules and restriction for domain names:

  1. Domain names can only use letters, numbers, and hyphens. No other characters are allowed.
  2. Hyphens cannot be used at the beginning or end of the domain name.
  3. You can't use a domain name that is already in use.
  4. You are strongly advised not to register a domain name that might be in breach of another company's trademark.
  5. CCTLD for Singapore & Malaysia (such as .sg/ registrant must hold Singapore or Malaysia IC/GST number. Other restrictions may apply for other different ccTLD.


Domain registration is a first-to-file system (first come, first served). Therefore, we recommend that you register a domain first, even if there is no immediate plan to create a website as the domains that you want might be taken.

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